Beaver’s Show, 2021. Installation of paintings and works on paper by John “Beaver” Estes. Dimensions variable.
“Beaver’s Show” (2021) is an installation that situates selections of my late father’s self-taught oeuvre—paintings, drawings, works on paper—within the context of my work. His mostly landscape-style pictures are hung salon style, contrasting the linear presentation of my photographs across from it (see “Afterimages”). This doubling recurs in other areas of the gallery through my inclusion of old student projects involving him. Early watercolor drawings of stray cats (both 2012) are installed directly facing Beaver’s “copycat” version made years later. “Daddy's Boy,” a split-screen video from 2013, shows us each building half of a small wooden stand, later connecting them across the two screens. The video playfully subverts gendered expectations of masculinity as I construct my half in red high heels.